independent web services

Our founder

Honest, Simple, Fast

I started Independent Web Services to accomplish one goal and one goal only:  Honestly and fairly help fellow contractors navigate the foreign landscape of web marketing at a great price.

​- Jesse Hogue, Founder

and fellow contractor


We want to fairly and honestly help you establish a web presence that YOU OWN. We are not trying to take advantage of the fact that not everyone is a web guru.


We don't promise the moon. We give you a baseline web presence that every business should have, but that you don't have time to create


At [Independent Web Services], we pride ourselves on providing contractors an easy way to begin their web presence with turn-key solutions.

The Basic Package For Every Contractor

Type your paragraph here.

Contractors are constantly bombarded with offers from "web marketing companies" or, worse yet, companies implying that they are Google. Essentially there are web marketing companies that prey on the people who are great at their craft, but not well versed in internet marketing. The end game is to get you to pay for something you don't need: a monthly subscription. 

Paid advertising works well, it did for us as contractors! While talking to other small business owners we found that many people try it once and give up. Mainly this is because they get burned: web search companies want your advertisement to be clicked as much as possible and they don't care who is doing the clicking (it's how they get paid!) Your ad campaign needs to be written right the fist time, meaning we need to make sure your ad is only seen by the people you are targeting, not anyone who searches for anything. Better yet, once we write your campaign YOU OWN IT. We will empower you to pause it or start it and we will make sure there are no budget busting mistakes!